Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Wish list for 2016- My positive blog

what I think will take us take the next step:
  1. Move from movement specialist to rehab of whole person specialist
  2. Move from reductionism to complex systems paradigm
  3. Move from calling “clients” and call them as “patients”- you are running a health care centre not a grocery store
  4. Move from biological model to complex models in pain and neuro-rehabilitation
  5. Move from named course to science based course- call our course as cerebral palsy rehabilitation or back pain management course (the experts should grow some balls)
  6. Course on how to convey difficult news to patients
  7. Move from osteopathy and other s!@# to physiotherapy (there is a huge science we have no clue- why go behind grocer techniques)
  8. Move from distant education to education (the colleges should grow balls)
  9. Move from cult organization to patient interest groups
  10. Move from publishing in throw away journals to indexed journals

Monday, 28 December 2015

What is in store for physiotherapist in 2016?

What is in store for physiotherapist in 2016?
1.       Jokers will teach NDT, SI, carnio-sacral therapy and gullible PTs will still do it
2.       The IAP and other millions of associations will think they are still relevant
3.       PTs will think these associations can change their lives and call for “unity”
4.       Bunch of dedicated PT s will get disillusioned and will go into their shell
5.       We will still teach the same nonsense they taught me in 1990 and think that is good science (our new syllabus proposed is a great example)
6.       PTs will share more pseudoscience than real information in social media
7.       Collages will “make” the students attend workshops and conference
8.       Clinical therapist will still say- “you can’t exercise with pain”
9.       More self proclaimed experts (jokers) will –teach pseudoscience and ruin as more (examples- osteopathy, chiropractice and dry needle)  
10.   We will still think evidence is for losers and uneducated slobs not for intelligent people like us (and practice the same thing)
Well in 2 words “no s!@#
Happy new year folks