The sad thing about physiotherapy in India is the lack of
evolution in its scientific basis. When I went to college most of the teaching
was –do what is say, learn by seeing probably by observing. Only few teachers
and PT looked beyond “how to apply in my patient” giving less importance to the
science behind it. The problem with this attitude is: it becomes difficult to
understand whether the treatment is effective, am I harming my patients, and
what happens when it is does not work and how I do it a different group of
patients etc. Beyond the obvious one,
the problems are lack of original scientific thinking or stifling it and believing
every “expert” or authoritative figure –either a PT or a surgeon who we perceive
is more learned.
This, I believe led us to our current conundrum. Every day I
see someone teaching alternative magic to physiotherapist and poor idiots gobbling
them. The current fade is Diploma in “O” or “C” or acupuncture.
So what is the problem?
So what is the problem?
Let’s take the obvious- if they can teach you in weekends or
through online and in six months and you get a diploma in that “medical philosophy”
– you should be either a highly gullible person or your UG education should
have been very poor.
The next issue is – aren’t we the people who fought against
diploma in PT taught in street corners and we don’t seem to have a problem with
this? Diploma in “O” taught by some charlatans and a snake oil selling idiots
from "abroad" and India? The hypocrisy is beyond words.
The third issue is- these courses are fraught with nonsensical
science and from moving joints (which usually begs the question- so what or can
you move it) to vital organs. Well if you education was so poor in UG you can’t
discern the difference between a vital organ function and what the hell is manipulating
it will lead to – you should not be allowed to practice the great science of
PT. you should be locked up in Kilpauk.
I understand PT science is also many a times poorly
understood and sometimes downright wrong but the comparing to alternate magic
is just sad. shouldn't we be all trying to evolve our PT science rather than consuming the crap of the world?
This begs the last question: why are these idiots allowed to
corrupt and ruin PT science in India without any resistance. Don’t some of the states have a associations, councils
or something- why is everyone silent? Because we think well this is evolution? Or
because well why do I care or well I don’t attend so I don’t care?
whatever your reason it is time to wake up and smell the shit in our neighborhood.