I heard the TNIAP is going to have a discussion in Coimbatore. even though i think these are absolutely useless as there will be one thing on everyone's mind- why the fuck- not everyone is calling us as "doctor". and then start blaming "others".
But that aside i think it is better idea- even though i am highly skeptical
But if you are attending these meetings- the questions i hope someone will ask?
1. who are the people who pressurized, incentivized students to attend the IAP conference
2. okay the students attended it- did those people give a rats ass the students did not get any food?
3. I am assuming around 1 crore was looted in the name of conference (inviting law suit from criminals who ate the money from the president of IAP to MR. desikamani and Co) has any steps taken any action ?
4, if you will not protect "your" students what the hell are we going to do with a association?
5. what steps are taken to stop this loot in the next conference?
6. Then we can discuss whether we are the royal highness or PTs
7. I sincerely believe if we dont do anything -we will have 300- 500 people voting and no one caring about associations
8. i hope people also discuss beyond the same stale issues - like council and talk real issues
9. if you are young if someone tells you council will change PT is TN - run, run like hell - idiocy is contagious
Nothing is going to change ..ofcourse its happened as you said loot...only thing practical we need how to change in scientific way and reasonable and changing syllabus from undergraduation level & independent honest practice as physiotherapist is a new gateway ..to .but its remote .